Marriage through the years

Back in the PC days (pre-children) ….. I had hair down to my waist.
It is straight, but really soft and fine, and when it was that long, it spent the night waging war on the bed. I would wake up with a rats nest that needed unravelling before I went to work. So we had this routine ….. every night he would brush my hair for me, and then plait it in a single indian style plait down the back, since I slept on my side. I could do it myself, but it was a stunningly caring and sensual thing to have him do it. Being PC as I said, a lot of the time it led to having to re-do the plait about an hour later ….. ….. but it was a wonderful moment of physical intimacy, that doesn’t happen much now, as I have shorter hair.

And as we have got older, the hair has got shorter …. both his and mine. I miss his wild curls especially. I understand that they looked cool when he was 18, and streaked in good 80’s style, but not so great when there is more grey than black, but still ….. I miss them.
Elvis impersonation
I miss my really long hair too …… being a mum means I just don’t have the time to devote to it anymore.
Me again

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