Tony and I do this every year.  He finds it amusing ,……. I suppose I do to. 😛
You see, I had a fairly poor childhood. Xmas was a fairly slim affair, and if anyone missed out, it was usually me and my brother, because “we were the oldest” and therefore, could cope with it better.
Now in adulthood, this translates into a need to make xmas as big as possible for my kids. Every year I aim to be smaller, and every year I fail dismally.  Tony and I go through this ritual, where I sort out and bag up santa sack and regualr presents, and plan who gets what.  I always worry myself silly about not getting enough for one or the other ….. but usually the one I am worried about, ends up being the one who gets too much. And all through, Tony has a very big laugh at me.
This year, at least 4 presents have gone back into the cupboard, because if added they mean that the kids got too much. Since Nanny Grey and my mother have the same insane approach to xmas, this is going to be a BIG xmas for my kids.