I have been married almost 23 years. Many things in marriage you take for granted …… men are programmed to miss the clothes basket, more women snore than you would think, everyone farts …… and intimacy suffers in the face of familiarity.
Its no secret, that long term relationships can suffer from boredom.  After years and years, the “spark” that caused a tingle in your tummy, or caused your heart to flip ……. just isn’t there. You still love of course, but its a comfortable, predictable love. This sort of love is not to be sniffed at …… its the glue that keeps the marriage together, and as long as you don’t take it for granted, its a great buffer to the combined nastiness of the world.
Something happened last night …… that got me thinking. I won’t go into details, but it was simply something said, in the heat of the moment.  At the time, it wasn’t totally significant, but I found myself not only thinking about what was said, but reliving the feelings that went with it …… not something to be done when working in an office.
Its amazing how, just a simple phrase, delivered with honesty and feeling ….. can stimulate the sort of feelings felt way back when dating, and first married. I wondered a few months back, whether we would ever get our “spark” back ……. I am happy to say it does happen.