Well it had to happen some time, I came of the bike today. I am ok a swollen knee with some skin burned off. I was wearing my full kit on, my big boots, draggin jeans, jacket with armor, leather full gloves and my new full face helmet.
Basically I had a bad headache this morning, one day into a 3 day ride, but it was starting to feel better and decided that I would be right to ride home. However about 100 kms into the ride I was taking it nice and easy, around a mid speed right-hander max about 60km/h, I made some room for a 4 wheel drive coming the other way. However I gave them more room than the road allowed, I knew I was a little wide and with my headache I did the wrong thing, I should have tapped the rear brake and lent over a little more. Instead I eased of the throttle and stood the bike a little more upright. This took me onto the shoulder of the road and the bike decided it didn’t want to be under me any more.
I am not sure if I high sided it (me thrown over the bike) or low sided it (the bike laying down infront of me) but based on the fact I was in front of the bike at the end and the bike had damage on both sides I think I went over it. I think the bike may be a right off, all plastic panels are broken or scratched, I have broken the rear break lever, front brake master cylinder and twisted the front handle bars (not sure if the frame is twisted or just the handle bars in the clamps). Will be ringing the insurance company in the morning.
My right knee is sore and puffed up (x-rays tomorrow) left knee has a small scratch, my right hand is bruised and my chin has a tiny nick, but nothing is as dented as my ego.
Dani, my darling, has been great, brought me home and looked after me, love you sweetie.
Will have some photos of the bike in a day or too.
Now I will have to unpack my bags and see if my gear is intact, including my camera.
Here is what my knees look like after 36 odd hours.

Here’s what the bike looked like: