A couple of weeks ago my brother was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma. He went to his doctor about an enlargement in one of his lymph nodes in his neck. After two biopsy’s they confirmed that he had Cancer. A full body scan showed another enlargement in his chest cavity, indicating Stage 2 lymphoma.
He start chemotherapy this Friday in Townsville. He has had to move himself and his family 900km’s into a Cancer Council provided apartment for 6 months. His wife, nine month old boy and himself had to packup his house, arrange for it to be leased out and relocate in the space of a week. His employer has been fantastic, arranging leave and covering his income until his income insurance kicks in.
The outcome looks good, he is fit and healthy and the success rate for curing this form of cancer is over 90%. My thoughts go to his lovely wife that will be bearing the load of looking after him and their son.

Mate, that is sad news – my best wishes go to your younger brother and his family.
Gav, Thanks for the kind words.. He has had his first Chemo treatment and seems to be holding up well so far.