Well I am still not well. I am still getting headaches most days. My neurologist has given me a different set of tablets and at least they don’t effect my mood but they are not effecting my headaches either.
So I have decided to attach this problem on several fronts. I have found a Chinese Medicine practitioner and he is giving my acupuncture and herbal treatments and a Chiropractor to work on my neck and back. They are both happy that I am seeing the other and believe that the dual treatment should work out for me.  Over the last week I have noticed some improvements and I am just praying that it is not a placebo effect.
If none of this works the neurologists next option is to give me Botox injections every 3 to 4 months. Not my idea of fun.
I hope you feel all good very soon 🙂
I am getting better slowly. So we will see how it goes and I will keep you *all* up to date.