Ok, over the last two days I am getting really worried about our society and where it is heading. Last night the current affairs show ACA had a guest. An associate professor in the Department of Public Law at Macquarie University, Andrew Fraser, was on to explain his views on immigration.
This all started with Andrew reading an article on how a Sudanese family had just become Australian Citizens and deciding to voice his opinion (which is not that of the University) in an email to his government representitive and the paper in question, the Sydney Morning Hearald.
This academic has said things like:
- “an expanding black population is a sure-fire recipe for increases in crime, violence and a wide range of other social problems”
- “these racial and ethnic conflicts are intractableâ€
- “black Africans have been shown to have an average IQ of 70”
To support his first view he quotes a google search “black on white homocide”, that shows US of A crime figures. Now I am pretty sure that even if the link is good and accurate, the history of slavery and continued repression of the American black community is DIFFERENT from the history and current situation of the Sudanese (and other) immigrants in Australia. I have yet to find a link to his IQ information.
Ok now to state my view. I think this guy must be the worst academic in history. If you want to convince people you must have an argument and base that on facts! My understanding is that the research he quotes has been disproved or discredited, also no reasoning seems to exist other than we will loose our common identity.
I thought I would give this Canadian Born Academic a little history lesson. Australia was populated by Aboriginees prior to being discoverd by the Portoguese and the English. It was used as a dumping place for the worst of the criminals of England, Ireland and Scotland. After gold was discoverd, the European and Chinese people came in great numbers. Towns like Briadwood and Ballerat were build by European and Chinese people working, living and growing together. Long after this when Australia undertook it’s largest infrastructure project ever, the Snowy River Hydro plan, it was the Italians, Greeks and other displaced immigrants that made it happen.
The history, the culture the flavour of Australia is our acceptance of people, from anywhere, from any background, location, race and religion into our country. Has it been always smooth, no! Will it be always perfect no! But together Australians old and new work together and build a new identity better and stronger than the past.
Tony, I have to agree with you and I share your concerns with what I perceive to be a relentless shift to the right in our so-called ‘community’. (I think any real sense of community evaporated years ago along with the advent of the ‘me-generation’).
There has been plenty of evidence of shocking behaviour from people wanting to maintain some ‘ethnic cleanliness’, from the old Yugoslavia to the Hutu and Tootsie genocide in Africa.
It is sad to see the likes of this racist hate-monger being given air time to spread his paranoid propaganda, but then, we are supposed to be living in an environment of free speech. I guess this is the price we pay, and we must hope that people are discerning enough to see this man for what he is, and not go down the path of those other ordinary every-day people in Germany in the 1930s.
It’s ironic really that the education system, once considered awash with marxist and socialist doctrine has taken a total right turn. It is not difficult to see why we produce people like Frank Salter, or hate-filled organisations like One Nation when men like Andrew Fraser are teaching us.
I also find it disturbing that these people claim to be Christian, when their dire tribes contain no sentiment or humanism of the Christianity I was taught.
Allan, Silverhad I totally agree. As you know Silverhand I have been in a discussion on the MajorityRights.com site and have been honestly trying to figure out how these guys think.
Basically all I can read it as is, all people have an obligation to protect there own, might is right and we are at war with anyone that disagrees.
This scares me, really scares me. I feel an obligation to the world, mankind, my friends and my family. I don’t see the need or feel the need to defend/protect white middleaged heterosexual males. For two reasons, we are not opressed or discriminated against and what and why should we concider we have more rights than anyone else.
They quote history on the fall of empires due to the lack of “assimilation and control”, the say we should ignore history and the rights removed from other people by our “race” as the strong should win.
Basically from what I understand there argument goes like this: culture change has happened in the past, the strongest culture comes out on top, many battles/wars have been fought over this BUT we should keep the status quo now and not allow change and fight to preserve what we have.
I have realised that logic pays no part in the root of this discussion, although both sides try to use it to win the argument.
Basically they believe that we should fight for our “race/culture” to prevent change using any means possible.
I believe that culture changes always has and always will and we should avoid war and conflict whereever possible. If culture has to change then let us embrace the change not die trying to stop it.
Tony, they base their arguments on the work of primarily Frank Salter, you should check this link out – http://www.gnxp.com/MT2/archives/003501.html as it gives a good argument against Salter’s work. Interesting to note that Salter was educated in both Sydney, and in Brisbane at Griffith University.
There are a lot of flaws in their argument, that is for sure, and what saddens me the most is that these people are in my mind as dangerous as fundamentalist Muslims who strap bombs to their backs and blow up London trains.
To publically state on a web site that the extermination of the Jews by Hitler was acceptable totally disgusts me.
According to the link above, the major downfall in their argument, even though they accept it, and that is that Ethnic Genetic Interest ignores eugenics and Darwin’s theory of survival of the fittest and all that. They are quite willing to support a more inferior element than get rid of it and replace it with a superior one thereby ensuring evolution and survival of the host. In essence by enforcing their philosophy of self-preservation, they are in fact condemning themsleves to extinction, and THAT as they say is pure irony.
Unfortunately, the likes of Andrew Fraser are now not uncommon. It seems as though for whatever reason (government policies, world events, extreme idealogies, or even religious perversion) more and more similar individuals and groups have come out of the woodwork. The underlying tones expressed in Fraser’s interview seem to run through certain sections of the community whether they be academics or blue-collared workers. All they need is a catalyst. The birth of One Nation was but an example.
Its scary but true. I come from an ethnic and religious background and have come across first hand examples of where individuals and groups have been abused verbally and physically and their property damaged. They have been treated indifferently because of the way they look!
I wouldnt have dare dreamed of this a few years back in Australia. (may be you have to go further back in history?) But things certainly have changed recently.
However, the comforting factor in all this…another group has also arisen, members of the community who are positive, balanced and just. The voice of reason, sanity and common sense. They have banded together to lend support and also fight in what they believe in is right and just. I just hope this voice is heard louder and clearer and drown the voice of hatred.
Correct me If Im wrong, but the only way forward is through education. Many of these negative comments are borne out of ignorance and fear. Fear of the unknown, (ie we have to be wary of those not like us). Only through information and education, can people’s perceptions be changed.
“A person will embrace what he knows and not what he does not know”
G’day, I noticed you had blogged about Andrew Fraser. You might find this post on my blog to be of interest: http://cam.bluexo.net/blog/186
As well as http://www.fightdemback.com
P.S. Apologies for spammy nature of this message, but trying to spread a little truth around…
I’ve read Fraser’s article carefully and done a detailed analysis, focusing on what he has to say about East Asians rather than Africans
It’s pretty clear Fraser’s spouting white supremacist rhetoric rather than academic argument, even without looking at the handful of sources he quotes every second sentence. You canjudge how far off the political spectrum he is by the fact that he attacks Keith Windschuttle for the latter’s ‘tender-minded attitudes’ towards immigrants – Windschuttle having just published a book arguing that the White Australia Policy wasn’t racist.
It’s not surprising to see his case being taken up by nut factories around the world – I found his article on National Vanguard (â€Standing up for White Americansâ€)
As Fraser points out, xenophobes flock together