Blue Moon and Spam

Ok tonight is a blue moon ! This is a very rare event and one that should be marked in some way, here in Australia we decided to call an election. Yay! 😕

Last month the America’s had a blue moon on the 31st of July. Well now it is our turn. Due to the confusion of timezones Australia did not get a blue moon last month, but that full moon became the first for us in August. Now approx 29.5 days later we have had our 2nd full moon.

Now I just got a piece of creative spam as a comment so I thought I would share (the content, not the links).

“Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.”
not J.R.R Tolkien

4 Replies to “Blue Moon and Spam”

  1. Yes and no 😮
    As you are about 15-20 hours behind the last full moon we had (on the 1st of August) actually happened on the 31 July for you.

    Don’t you just love timezones.

  2. ah, I get it now, it was indeed a month ago for us, but its this month for you! lol, thank you! 🙂

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