Ivette (who’s new blog is here) is getting older today!
So Happy Birthday Ivette, have a great day and coming year.
Update:Ivette now has a new site.
Australia Outlaws Gay Marriage
Well our government has done it, little Johnny Howard has to do what George W does.
The Australian government is making changes to the family act to set in law that marriage can only be a union between a man and a woman. The opposition here also agrees so they will pass the changes.
Well more closed minds doing more strange things.
I am getting out my pen and paper and writing to my local member today.
School Fete
The kid’s school had their fete on the weekend and as expected we spent over 12 hours helping on Friday and Saturday.
But it was FUN!
Unlike many schools that have an annual fete our school has a fete once every three years. In theory this means that it can be bigger and better, and we don’t over use all the helpers. This seems to work, even though the school yard does not seem large enough to hold it all.
They had bottle, cake and food stores, they had raffles, luck dips and ring toss everything that any good school fete has.
But the thing I loved was the small medieval torney. One of the teachers is a member of a club that constructs and ‘Fights’ with medieval armour and weapons. Just for the record Bred, ‘Lord Red’, the teacher won the contest.
Of course everyone got into the spirit of things, as you can see by the school’s Principal.
“Thinking” Shoe
Ok now I have seen it all, the guys at Adidas have come up with the “ultimate” shoe.
This shoe is amazing, it has a powerful processor that determins the type and condition of the road you are running on and adjusts the “firmness” of the heel to compensate.
Adjusting the cushioning based on the runners weight, speed, the running surface and other factors should create the perfect feel for all people in all condidions. It also knows to adjust the settings only when the foot is in the air so to save power and lower resistance.
Boy am I slack.
I have been looking over my past posts and realised just how slack I am. Seems like I have failed to keep many a promise, something I hope I can fix.
I feel bad, I have promised posts, updates and photos many times, and I have not delivered very often.
My current todo list looks like:
- Photos from my drives around Canberra
- Update about my School reunion
- A Paper Bike
- and a better funcioning site
Well I hope I will be able to catch up, and you have the patience to stick around.